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Hair Care During Pregnancy

Hair is one of the most precious assets for a lady. It defines one’s vanity and adds a special charm towards their natural beauty. Though women take care of their hair all of their life but during pregnancy special care is needed as hormonal changes that occur, result in alteration of hair cycle.

Some pregnant women experience changes in hair growth, hair becoming thick and lustrous during pregnancy. That may be deemed as accurate for some women, thanks to the elevated levels of the hormone estrogen, which decelerate hair shedding. Other expecting mothers, however, experience thinning hair or hair loss either during pregnancy or in the months immediately following birth.

To understand about hair care and how to take care of hair during pregnancy, we first need to understand the hair cycle itself.

Hair grows from the roots, underneath the skin known as follicles. Hairs get their food from blood vessels at the follicle base, which gives them the nourishment they need, to grow. Between the growing stages to the hair falling out years later, each hair undergoes four stages: Anagen phase, Catagen phase, Telogen phase and Exogen phase. Every hair at any given time can be at any of these stages in their lifetime.

If hairs enter the resting phase or Catagen phase too early, excess hair shedding and quite a noticeable thinning of hair may occur.

What Causes Hair-Loss?

Women lose an average of around 50 to 100 hairs every day. During pregnancy, rise in estrogen levels decelerate the natural cycle of hair follicle shedding. As a result of which some women may sometimes lose fewer hairs while pregnant. But that’s not always the case.

During pregnancy, hair loss can also occur due to the following reasons:

Hormonal Change

Some women experience hair thinning and shedding due to stress or shock. This condition is known as telogen effluvium, and it affects a minute number of women during pregnancy. The first trimester sometimes stresses the body as the balance of hormones shift dramatically to support the growing baby. Stress may put more of the hairs of one’s head, 30 percent or more, into the telogen or “resting” phase of the hair life cycle. So, instead of losing the average 100 hairs a day, they may lose 300 hairs each day.

Health Issues

Health issues like thyroid problems, iron deficiency, zinc and vitamin and nutrients deficiency may arise during the time pregnancy for some women. Iron deficiency occurs when there is a lack of enough red blood cells to get oxygen to different tissues in the body. It can cause thinning of hair. Pregnant women are at a much higher risk of developing symptoms like iron deficiency anemia, especially if their pregnancies are spaced closer together, they are pregnant with multiple or have severe morning sickness.

A large amount of pregnant women are deficient in Vitamins D, C, A, K, B-6, E as well as iron, folate, calcium, potassium, magnesium and choline according to studies. Due to supplement intakes women may also be at risk of taking excess amounts of sodium and folic acid.

Here are the lists of food items containing certain vitamins and nutrients required during pregnancy.

Vitamins & Nutrients required during pregnancy

While these foods might be consumed in order to gain the certain vitamins and nutrients, it is also advised to check with your doctor regarding any allergies you might induce, also for lactose intolerant and vegetarian women, supplement might be an option to replace these foods for vitamin intake. But the supplements should always be prescribed under consultation of a doctor or a healthcare professional.

Trauma and inflammation

Trauma and inflammation of hair follicles can also lead to hair shedding and loss.

Stress is one of the biggest reasons for hair fall in pregnant women. Stress can cause irregular hormonal and sleep cycle resulting in excessive hair fall. When you are experiencing stress, your body may release hormones like adrenaline and cortisol that often alert your body for the physical tendency of fight or flight. Eventually, these hormones get dissipated and your body returns to its normal, balanced state. At the times nearing to giving birth, sometimes high levels of stress occur and don’t usually go down. This can lead to a decrease in your health and developmental problems for the fetus. ADHD and even impaired cognitive development can occur due to excessive amounts of stress. That’s why it’s so important that you keep your chronic stress levels to a bare minimum. So, de-stressing is the best option for a mother-to-be, to calm herself down both for her own health and also not to let the baby get into harm’s way.

Ways to De-Stress

Pregnant women often get a nauseous feeling every morning during the first trimester of pregnancy. This term is often called “Morning Sickness”. It can trigger vomiting and can happen not only at mornings but any time of the day. Increase in hormones in a women’s body can cause this sickness. Morning sickness can also sometimes be triggered by smell of certain foods. Many doctors believe that “morning sickness” is a sign of a well developing placenta.

Don’t have your favorite tea at home and you’re suffering from a bad case of morning sickness here is a tea recipe to help you out:-

Honey, Lemon and Ginger Tea-

  1. Put 1 tablespoon of freshly grated ginger in a bowl or teapot. Pour 1 cup of boiling water over it and let in soak for about 5-6 minutes.
  2. In a separate bowl combine lemon juice and honey as per your taste and pour the ginger tea over the mixture. Make sure to strain the ginger pieces and enjoy the tea while it is hot.

While you are enjoying your tea, why don’t you trying reading some of the books recommended in this list-

Aroma Therapy

can also be considered as a stress reliever. Aroma Therapy has been around since ancient history where it was used to treat ailment and gain relaxation. Infusing essential oils with warm bath water or infusing them in massage oil can help pregnant women in the time of extreme stress or if she is suffering from back aches. Some of the most popular essential oils used in aroma therapy and found in every market place are:-

But it should be noted that these essentials oil are not to be applied directly on your skin. They are to be diluted with base oil or mixed with bath water. If you are using a diffuser or a vaporizer, do not leave it on for more than 15 mins as the overpowering smell may lead to nausea. Always consult with your doctor before using any of these essential oils.

Instead of going to expensive parlours and treating hair with harsh chemicals here are some of the more natural ways hair can be cared for:-

Here are some of the hair masks recipes you can try at home.

Hair masks recipes

For Dry Hair

  1. Mix 5 tbsp each of besan and curd along with 2 tbsp olive oil.
  2. Apply the mixture to dry hair.
  3. Leave it on for 20 minutes and apply shampoo to rinse off. Make sure apply conditioner to your hair properly to prevent frizz.

For Normal Hair

  1. Prepare a mixture of 2 tbsp each of gram flour and almond powder along with one egg white.
  2. Mix and apply the mixture to hair evenly.
  3. Apply Shampoo and rinse off after 30 minutes.

For Oily Hair

  1. Mix two tbsp each of besan and ground methi seeds in coconut milk.
  2. Massage this mixture into your scalp thoroughly and leave it on for an hour.
  3. Rinse off the hair mask in warm water.
  4. Shampoo and condition after this.

If you really want to commit to the “au naturel” hair care lifestyle here are some shampoo, conditioner and hair oil recipes that are chemical free and harm free for even pregnant ladies:-

Reetha (Indian Soapberry) Shampoo

The main attribute of reetha is that it contains chemical compound called saponins, which is a natural disinfectant substance, meaning it cleans and sterilizes. The oil glands with their increased secretions tend to make hair oily more often during pregnancy thereby requiring frequent shampooing.



Henna Shampoo Bar Recipe



Aloe Vera Gel Conditioner

Aloe Vera is rich in antifungal properties that help fight off dandruff too.

Recipe number 1(Rinse off conditioner):

     Recipe number 2(Leave in conditioner):

Amla Hair Oil

Amla has been used in our hair since ancient times. It is rich in Vitamin C and helps condition your hair, minimizing the effects of hair graying and stops hair loss. To make a homemade version, mix about 120 grams of amla powder, 1 liter or less of water and about 250 ml of coconut oil or sesame oil(whichever is available at home).

How to make it-

  1. Take a pan and combine about 100 grams of amla powder with water.
  2. Bring it to boil and simmer until half the liquid is evaporated. Strain this amla concentrate in a container. Keep it aside for a while.
  3. Now, take another pan, and put coconut oil and the remaining amla powder (20 grams), and the amla concentrate that you have kept aside.
  4. Bring it to boil, reduce the flame and let the mixture simmer very slowly until all the water evaporates. After this is done, you will see the oil starting to change color.
  5. Strain the residual oil at once and store in a tight lidded container or bottle away from direct sunlight.

Since pregnant women are more prone to illness and allergies occurring during their pregnancy, they should always consult a doctor before using any product or medicine used in health and hair care. Some women tend to be allergic to few fruits/nuts or other food items or any essential oils. They should avoid using them.

Things to Avoid

Here are some of the lists of things to avoid for the betterment of your own hair growth:-

A good and healthy diet and enough rest for the body can do wonders for your hair. So making sure you get ample amounts of sleep and proper vitamins and nutrients via foods and supplements can go a long way for the betterment of your hair needs. Being stress free and relaxed is also an important factor during the time of pregnancy. As the saying goes, A healthy mind promotes a healthy life.

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(Reviewed by Dr. Sarika)

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