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Natural Home Remedies: How To Get Rid Of Oily Hair

Here are selected 15 home remedies to get rid of oily/greasy hair naturally. These remedies can come in handy and prove to be very effective. 

Having healthy and bouncy hair is every girl’s dream. But what happens when after a few days of shampoo your hair turns oily and greasy? Oily hair proves to be a nemesis of every girl. It destroys any possible hair goals and except for a bad hair day hairstyle, there is nothing that you can actually do. Greasy hair can destroy your entire appearance and it can make you look like a flat mess. Apart from the sad visual appearance, greasy hair can also feel sticky and can weigh down your head. If left untreated it can only make matters worse.

Feeling guilty and devastating yourself with the thought of whether or not you did anything wrong, oily hair and scalp are extremely common. The skin on the scalp produces sebum in order to keep the hair and scalp nourished. When the scalp produces an excess amount of oil it makes the hair look flat and greasy. However, an excessively oily scalp can sometimes lead to something more serious than just greasy hair. It can cause, redness, itching and also seborrheic dermatitis. But no worries ladies, we have got your back! Here in this article, we are going to share with you some natural home remedies that you can try in order to prevent and take care of oily scalp and hair.

Causes of Oily Hair

Before we dive into the remedies, it is very important to know what are the causes of oily hair. So in this segment, we are going to look into the main causes of oily hair. Here are some factors that can lead to oily hair:

Prevention Of Oily Hair

Oily and greasy hair can really be a difficult problem to deal with. But controlling it is not impossible. There are certain simple things you can do in order to prevent excess oil from coming back. We are going to divide this segment into simple do’s and don’t’s. so let us begin.



15 Natural Home Remedies To Take Care Of Greasy & Oily Hair

Home remedies can be really effective in treating greasy and oily hair. These are a mixture of some ingredients that are easily available at home. Here in this segment, we will learn about 15 home remedies that can come in handy and prove to be very effective. These remedies include:

1. Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil is a very effective product that can treat oily hair. The greasy scalp produces too much oil that in turn can lead to itching and dandruff. Tea tree oil proves to be very effective in calming and soothing of itchy scalp. As per studies, tea tree oil has antimicrobial properties and the application of this oil can minimize itchiness and greasiness.

Things You Need

  1. A few drops of tea tree oil
  2. Coconut or Jojoba oil
  3. A small bowl

Steps To Follow

Do it at least 2-3 times a week to get the best results.

2. Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is found in everyone’s kitchen. This product undoubtedly has a lot of benefits. Talking about hair issue Apple Cider vinegar can make your hair smooth, shiny and silky. It has acetic acid that balances the pH level of the scalp. Greasy hair usually has a low pH. Therefore rinsing your hair with Apple Cider Vinegar will restore the normal pH level of the hair. It is also very helpful in controlling the excess sebum production of the hair.

Things You Need

  1. Few tablespoons of Apple Cider Vinegar
  2. A cup of water
  3. A mixing bowl

Steps To Follow

Do this every time you shampoo.

3. Coconut Oil

Oiling your hair before you actually shampoo is a great way to keep your hair hydrated and provide nourishment to it. Having said that coconut oil is a great carrier oil as it has great conditioning properties. It is always best to use virgin coconut oil as it is unfiltered and is led with natural goodness. Virgin coconut oil also has a lower molecular weight and is light so it does not make your hair super greasy but adds shine to it. Since it does a good job of providing the much-needed hydration to your hair your scalp finds no specific need to produce extra sebum.

Things You Need

  1. Extra virgin coconut oil as per the length of your hair.

Steps To Follow

Do this at least once a week.

4. Aloe Vera

As we all know by now, Aloe Vera is a miracle plant. It has incredible nourishing and astringent properties. It is highly rich in Vitamins and nutrients and it can treat and cure almost every type of skin issue. Since it is such an incredible plant using aloe vera can also prevent excess sebum production and also make your hair soft and shiny.

Things You Need

  1. Few tablespoons of aloe vera gel.
  2. 1 tablespoon of lemon juice.
  3. 1 cup of water.
  4. A small bowl

Steps To Follow

Do this every time you feel your hair is too oily or greasy.

5. Epsom Salt

Epsom salt is rich in magnesium. Magnesium is great for reducing inflammation of the scalp. It can also absorb excess sebum produced by the scalp. So using Epsom salt can be a great way to prevent and control greasy scalp and hair.

Things You Need

  1. A few tablespoons of Epsom salt

Steps To Follow

Do this two times a week for the best results.

6. Baking Soda

Baking soda can act as a great dry shampoo. Apart from this, it can also be used to rinse oily or greasy hair. There is also anecdotal evidence that suggests that baking soda is alkaline in nature. It also helps in balancing the pH level of your scalp thereby absorbing the excess oil from your scalp.

Things You Need

  1. Take baking soda as per the requirement and length of your hair.

Steps To Follow

Do this two times a week for the best results.

7. Green Tea

Green tea is rich in a substance known as polyphenols. These polyphenols are highly beneficial in maintaining the health of the hair and the scalp. They also play a very vital role in controlling the excess sebum produced by the hair. Green tea, therefore, is a useful product if you want to get rid of oily and greasy hair.

Things You Need

  1. Green Tea.
  2. A cup of water.
  3. Cotton Balls.

Steps To Follow

Do this at least once a week to see the desired results.

8. Argan Oil

Argan oil is like the food for your hair. Using argan oil for massage can keep your scalp and hair follicles moisturized. This will prevent your scalp from secreting excess sebum. It also stimulates blood circulation and keeps the hair smooth, healthy, and shiny.

Things You Need

  1. Argan Oil
  2. A towel.

Steps To Follow

Do this at least once or twice for the desired benefits.

9. Cocoa Powder

Just like baking soda cocoa powder is also a great dry shampoo. This dry shampoo is great for brunettes or for people with dark hair. It is believed that cocoa powder absorbs excessive sebum and makes your hair feel light and bouncy. It also imparts a nice auburn color to the hair.

Things You Need

  1. Cocoa powder as per requirement.

Steps To Follow

Do this whenever you feel your hair is excessively greasy and you don’t have time to shampoo it. People with lighter hair can use arrowroot powder instead of cocoa powder.

10. Egg Yolk

An egg has the necessary protein required to strengthen the hair. The yolks of the eggs particularly contain a lot of nutrients and fatty acids that are useful in regulating the natural sebum of the head. Once the natural sebum is restored the scalp does not produce excess oil which in turn does make your hair greasy and oily.

Things You Need

  1. 1 egg
  2. 1 lemon
  3. A small bowl

Steps To Follow

Do this at least once a week for the best results.

11. Lemon Juice

Lemon is rich in Vitamin C which is an antioxidant and it can protect your hair from sun damage. It also contains citric acid. As per studies, citric acid can inhibit excessive sebum production. So using lemon juice on your hair can [prevent it from becoming greasy. Along with this, it is also helpful in keeping dandruff in check. However, after applying lemon juice do not sit under direct sunlight. This is because lemon juice can bleach your hair when it comes to exposure to direct sunlight.

Things You Need

  1. Lemons
  2. Distilled Water
  3. A small bowl

Steps To Follow

Do this once or twice a week or whenever you feel your hair is getting too greasy.

12. Jojoba Oil

Just like Argan oil, jojoba oil is also a great conditioner for your hair. This oil has a composition similar to the natural sebum of our hair. The consistent use of this oil can make your scalp believe that it has enough sebum to keep the hair and scalp hydrated. This, in turn, will prevent the secretion of excess sebum from the scalp.

Things You Need

  1. Jojoba Oil according to the length of your hair.

Steps To Follow

Do this at least once a week for the best results.

13. Oatmeal

As far as your hair is considered oatmeal provides unlimited benefits to it. The oil from oatmeal has a thick consistency that allows it to soak up the extra sebum from the scalp. It is also inflammatory that calms and soothes the scalp from itching and inflammation. It also makes the hair soft and smooth.

Things You Need

  1. Oatmeal as per requirement.

Steps To Follow

Do this at least once or twice a week.

14. Yogurt Hair Mask

A yogurt hair mask is the best natural home remedy one can follow to solve all hair-related issues. It nourishes and conditions the hair thereby making it soft and shiny. It also restores the natural pH level of the scalp.

Things You Need

  1. Plain yogurt as per the length of the hair.
  2. 1 tablespoon of baking soda.
  3. 2 tablespoons of lemon juice.
  4. A small bowl.
  5. A towel.

Steps To Follow

Do this at least once a week for the best results.

15. Henna

This is yet another natural ingredient that can provide special benefits to your hair. It is believed that Heena can regulate sebum protection of the scalp and can also prevent greasy and oily hair. It also facilitates hair growth and makes your hair soft, smooth and shiny. It also provides healthy and nourished hair. Hena, however, can be a little bit too drying. But people with excessively oily hair can definitely reap the benefits.

Things You Need

  1. The henna powder.
  2. 1-2 tablespoons of coconut oil.
  3. 1 egg white.
  4. A small bowl.

Steps To Follow

Do this every two weeks for the best results.

Common Concerns Regarding Oily Hair

Oily hair can make your hair seem lifeless. it can also be quite challenging to style. But apart from this, there are certainly other problems that can arise due to excessive oil production. It can make your pores clog, it can also cause itching and acne on your scalp. Here are some common concerns regarding oily hair along with some tips and tricks that can help you deal with it.


This is the most common problem that people with dry excessive oily hair face. Dandruff is actually dead skin cells piling up on the scalp due to excessive oil production. Excessive oil can also produce a yeast known as Malassezia that can cause irritation of the skin. Here are some ways in which you can take care of it. Try to wash your hair as much as possible. At least 2-3 times a week. Use shampoos with salicylic acid which will fight the yeast and will also keep your hair clean. Avoid using products such as hairspray, gel, and mousse. They also make your hair oily.

Hair Loss

An oily scalp can contribute to hair loss. Excess oil production can be a sign of inflammation. This is where the hair follicles are inflamed and they prevent hair growth thereby making it weaker and more prone to breakage. The best thing you can do is feed your hair the right food. When you restore the natural biome of your scalp, the lipids, proteins, and peptides of your scalp are replenished. This is when your excess sebum production will subside in turn diminishing hair loss. Also as mentioned earlier consume foods rich in Vitamin B, good fats and zinc. This will also strengthen your hair making it less prone to breakage.

Flat And Lifeless Hair

flat and lifeless hair can be the most unflattering look. This is obviously something that no one will aim for. An excessively oily scalp can automatically weigh down your hair. People with straight hair are more susceptible to this problem. In order to deal with this problem, you can use dry shampoo. If you do not have dry shampoo then the baby powder will also do. Just apply it on your roots and brush it as usual. This will soak the excess oil and will make your hair look voluminous again. Curling your hair can also be of great help. Oils can travel through straight strands quite easily. Therefore, curls will buy you enough time until you decide to shampoo the next time.

Best Hairstyles For People With Oily Hair

Oily hair can be quite challenging to style. But nonetheless, there are plenty of styles you can do on your bad hair day and still look good. You can always use a dry shampoo to bring some volume and reduce the greasiness of your hair. But here we bring you some ideas you can definitely try when your hair is flat and lifeless.

Oily and easy hair can be quite a turn-off. But it is not impossible to tame it or take care of it. Here in this article, we shared with you some tips and tricks along with some hairstyles that you can do when your hair is too oily. That was all for this article. Hope you liked it.

(Reviewed by Dr. Samiksha Rane)

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