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How You Should Wash Your Face Properly

We don’t care much about, how to we wash our face. But we should do that because it affects your look a lot. Just throwing water on the face by 2 times and then soak the water with the help of dry cloth or any towel is not called washing the face. If you do the same process then you don’t know how many tiny particles you are leaving on the surface of your face remains as they were.

The main purpose of washing the face is not only a mere thing which you used to do just after waking up. It is the process when you wake up your skin and it its pores open. For better and healthy skin you need to know about a perfect pattern to wash your face.

Many people think that they need to wash their face properly only when they wear makeup. But deep down we all know that is wrong, actually pimple breakout, acne breakout, excessive oil on the surface of skin, early aging, these all are because of we don’t keep our face clean or we don’t clean our face in right manner.

How many times you have washed your face is not necessary but how are you washing it, is more necessary. Dermatologist says, no matter which skin type do you have, night time cleansing routine of face is important for everyone. We are sharing some tips from the dermatologist to help you to keep your face looking healthy and shining.

How You Should Wash Your Face Properly

1. Remove your all makeup properly

The very first step to cleanse your face is to remove all the makeup from it. For removing the makeup you can use any gentle makeup cleanser or remover. Don’t treat your skin on other’s guidance, choose the one which suits your skin. So, before start cleansing, use a gentle makeup remover and get the job done. Too many pollutant particles and dirt get collected on the face in whole day. So, it needed to be clean. For clogged pores, try the double cleansing method. Use any natural oil to remove the dirt and then use any face wash to help wash away the oil. The another way is to take a cotton ball and pour it into the makeup remover or micellar water. Then, swipe it over all the face with gentleness.

We don’t recommend you to use soap unless they are classified to be used on face. Soap has harsh chemicals and can alter the ph of the skin. So, it might hurt your skin.

2. Cleanse with lukewarm water

Why lukewarm water? Don’t think like it gonna open up the pores of your skin. It is just for comfort. It will be gentle on your face, that’s it. However, if you are coming from outside and very tired then we recommend you to wash your face with cold water. It will make you feel like fresh again.

3. Exfoliation

Scrubbing or exfoliation is good as well as necessary for the skin. But if you do it daily then it may not remain good anymore. Try to do exfoliation twice in a week or three times that’s enough. While washing your face in early morning and in night too, use your finger tips to cleanse and for giving massage. Rub your finger in circular direction while washing. Do the process for at least 1 or 2 minutes. This will remove all dead particles, cleanse your skin and relax the skin as well which will give healthy also.

Whenever, you do exfoliation, do remember that don’t do over exfoliation. Our skin has some natural barrier which used to protect our skin and make it soft. Scrubbing too hard can damage your skin and lead it to lose natural oil. Over scrubbing may cause irritation and even breakouts too. Avoid bar soaps unless they are classified to be used on face too, perfumed or dyed.

3. Also clean the area below your chin

The process is not limited just up to your face. Don’t forget to clean the area below your chin and above area of the neck because dust particles gathered there too. Don’t forget to give massage to your neck too. Gently rub your face with fingers in upward motion to get the circulation of blood. This will tighten up your skin and will make it glowing.

4. Choose the clothe wisely to pat your face

With which clothe do you pat your face, is also important. However, how you do patting is also important. If water gets left on the surface of face then when the left water will be evaporate, it could lead to dryness. So, remember to pat the face with soft and antibacterial towel.

5. Don’t over wash your face

We know this heat is hard to handle yet you have to do it because over washing is not allowed. Many people wash their face very often. It is not a good sign for your skin. The skin may come to lose its natural oil which is essential to remain the skin moist. The people with dry skin and oily skin must avoid this to happen. Dry skin may lose his oil whereas oily skin will produce more oil. So, say no to over washing of face.

6. End up with toner

Why are we suggesting you toner to be used after washing your face? Because it is a light weighted liquid and will reset your skin’s PH. It is so simple step, just take a small cotton ball poured into the toner (any which you want to use) and swipe it all over the face especially, on T-zone are if you have combination skin and on C-zone if you have oily skin.

6. Don’t miss moisturizer

Some people use to skip moisturizer by thinking that it will make the skin more oily. But it is not the good step, moisturizer is necessary for every skin type. So, don’t skip the moisturizer. After washing the face, use a little bit of moisturizer to keep your face moist.

7. Most important tools for cleaning your face

If you want to include any other products in the kit then it would be better. However, we are hoping that these tips on how to wash the face properly will help you to reach your desired results.

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