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Facial to Get Rid of Pimples (Acne)

Attention fellows! If you’ve ever woken up to find a new mountain range forming on your face, or have tried every skincare product under the sun with no success, then this article is for you. Yes, we’re talking about the dreaded A-word – acne! So, grab some tissues for those tears, a magnifying glass for those microscopic eruptions, and let’s dive into the wonderful world of acne. Don’t worry, we promise not to judge your 12-step skincare routine or your secret stash of pimple-popping videos. We’re all in this together, folks.

The skin types present in people throughout the world are:-

Facial is basically collective Skin Care treatments done to the face to treat acne, dry skin and any other skin problems. Facials can include masks, steam treatments, exfoliation (both chemical and natural); facial peels and massages using creams and lotions for the easy methods and for the harder costlier methods, you have to go visit a certified aesthetician for treatments like decongestion, microdermabrasion, LED and skin brightening.

However if should be clearly mentioned that a facial cannot promise you flawless acne free skin, but it can help reduce the chances of acne and make your skin a little bit more manageable.

Exfoliation can be done naturally by using a naturally made exfoliating mask or will the use of chemical peels. Chemical peels can be a bit more abrasive and harmful to your skin with frequent use so make sure to get expert opinions before trying on any chemical peel or applying a chemical which could act as an allergen for your skin. Natural peel on the other hand are easy to make with household items and are far better and less abrasive and damage proof to your skin.

Here is a recipe for you to try for yourself at your home with simple household ingredients.

Facial to Get Rid of Pimples (Acne)

Curd-Gram Flour Pack



This pack can remove dirt from pores, and dead skin cells to give you a flawless and glowing skin.

Facial Peels

Although peels off face masks are easily available in the market at cheap prices, but the chemicals in them can be questionable. Some store bought masks do not have the ingredients mentioned on the packaging and people with sensitive skin might not have a great time applying those masks.

Here is a simple DIY for a peel off mask to make at home:-

Gelatin, Honey DIY Peel Off Face Mask

This peel off mask is great for acne and pigmentation of skin.



Face Mask

The most popular method to get rid of acne and acne scars is a face mask. Made of household ingredients, these masks can do wonders to your skin if you use the best ingredients for your skin type.

Here is a simple face mask recipe for acne prone skin:

1.Oatmeal and Coconut Oil Face mask



2. Avocado Face mask



Facial Oil Massage

Face oil can help prevent acne and reduce the chances of breakouts on your skin. It also helps smoothen out dry skin and makes it clean. A carrier oil acting as the base accompanied by any essential oil has wonderful effects on your skin. Not only does it reduce acne and acne scars, it also helps reduce fine line and wrinkles.



Face Sheet Masks

Sheet face masks are the new found beauty secret from East Asian countries where a thin sheet of paper like mask is dipped in various nourishing ingredients good for your skin. These masks provide nourishment and moisturize your skin, hydrating it from the dermal layers. Some masks are also specially designed to fight off acne prone skin. If you do not have sheet masks near you, you can also DIY at home.

You can buy cotton sheet masks online or use cotton paper towels and cut holes up in the nose, eyes and mouth region.



Although there are many skin care secrets and facial techniques for acne prone skin, the most important thing to remember is to eat healthy and fresh and drink lots of water. Your healthy body will itself show results by giving the skin a healthy glow. Take care of your skin even in busy schedule so that the effects of it can be seen as you grow older. And if the acne is severe and too hard for you to handle naturally, consult a skin specialist and get medical help immediately.


1. What causes pimples?

Pimples are caused by a combination of excess oil production, bacteria, and clogged pores. Hormonal changes, certain medications, diet, and stress can also contribute to the development of pimples.

2. How can I get rid of pimples?

Treating pimples can be done through a combination of topical treatments, lifestyle changes, and a regular facial skin care routine. To reduce the appearance of pimples, start by using an over-the-counter topical treatment with benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid. You should also try to keep your skin clean and moisturized, and avoid picking at or popping pimples.

3. What are the best products for treating pimples?

The best products for treating pimples depend on the type and severity of your acne. Over-the-counter products typically contain either benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid to help reduce inflammation and clear clogged pores. Prescription medications like retinoids, antibiotics, and birth control pills may be recommended by your dermatologist to treat more severe forms of acne.

4. Is it important to have a facial to get rid of pimples?

Having a facial can help reduce the appearance of pimples by exfoliating the skin and unclogging pores. It can also help prevent future breakouts by giving the skin a deep cleanse. A facial can also be used to target specific areas of the skin where pimples are present, allowing for a more targeted approach to treatment.

5. How can I prevent pimples from coming back?

To prevent pimples from coming back, it’s important to establish a consistent skin care routine that includes the use of a gentle cleanser and moisturizer, as well as a topical acne treatment. Additionally, it’s important to avoid picking at or popping pimples and to keep your skin hydrated.

6. How often should I get a facial to treat pimples?

It’s recommended to get a facial every 4-6 weeks to help reduce the appearance of pimples and prevent future breakouts.

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(Reviewed by Dr. Samiksha Rane)

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