K4 Fashion

Vegetables For Hair Growth

Are you a grown adult, and you still whine over the veggies on your plate.

Well, its high time you stop it. These colorfull eatables are packed with essential vitamins and minerals and are absolutely crucial for your health.

They not only maintain a healthy weight because of being low caloric but are also essential in maintaining your hair, skil and nail health.

So the next time you gear from your mom for not finishing your greens, have a secomd go at your plate.

Reasons for Hair Loss

1. Genetics

Most of the time, it is a common reason for hair fall problems. Length, thickness, color, volume, and texture of hair ….all these things are dependent on genetics.

2. Stress Level

If you have too much in your personal life, it can also be the reason why your hair is not growing faster or not growing at all.

3. Age

Aging also makes your hair weak and your hair grows even slower. Your hair starts greying and falling.

4. Hair Breakage

Normally a person’s hair grows 0.6 inches per month. If you observe that your hair is the same length after a month, then your hair might be facing a situation called breaking. Styling your hair with heat can cause hair breakage.

5. Split Ends

Dry hair are a cause for split ends. And also dry hairs can lead to hair fall and breakage. So it is needed that you always keep your hair moisturized.

6. Hairstyles And Styling Products

Hair products are full of chemicals that make your hair look good temporarily but this can give your hair permanent damage in the long run.

7. Lack Of Exercise And Healthy Diet

A healthy diet is necessary for hair growth. Your hair growth will be good if you are in good shape and taking enough vitamins and minerals.

8. Dry Hair And Scalp

A dry scalp shows that your hair is unhealthy. You need to keep your scalp moisturized. A dry scalp can lead to hair breakage and hair loss for a long time.

To prevent hair from thinning and falling, here are some vegetables that you can use to make your hair grow faster.

Vegetables To Eat For Hair Growth


Spinach Vegetables For Hair Growth



Sweet Potatoes




Curry Leaves

French Beans

Green Chili

Orange Vegetables

You should start adding more vegetables to your diet as it will make your hair grow fast and also it will make your hair healthy and strong.

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(Reviewed by Dr. Samiksha Rane)

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