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Facial Exercise For Glowing Skin

With the rise of social media, everybody is striving for perfection. Whether it comes to living in the most aesthetic places having the shiniest hair and achieving glass skin. Everything has to be perfect for the ‘gram’. Social media has a huge impact on people’s minds and their almost unrealistic expectations.

Well, it’s not all bad, a drive to continuously better yourself is a good source of motivation if taken the right way.

So in this article let us help you achieve that ever-youthful, bouncy, and perfect skin.

There are many products out there that can provide a glow to your skin. You can also go to a parlor to do that. We have advanced in our science and research so much that today we have products that do not cause much damage to the skin. but still, the chemicals in those skin glowing products will harm your skin in the long run.

As we grow older we lose more collagen. It results in sagging, drooping, and wrinkles. You can make your skin glow at home by doing facial exercises. It works on your facial muscles to increase their strength. When you do this facial exercise you are helping your face to rebuild in a certain way. After doing facial exercises, you will look more lifted, and doing them consistently will also increase blood circulation, and therefore it will increase the glow on your face.

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Facial Exercises for Glowing Skin

Facial massage and facial yoga will help you to relax, and tone and gives a natural boost to the skin. to get effective results it is advisable to do below mentioned facial exercises regularly for glowing skin.

1. Kiss and smile

Do at least 15 repetitions a day. This exercise works on your cheeks and chin concurrently. If you do this facial exercise it will improve the flow for a young jawline and flushed cheeks.

2. Puff your cheeks exercise for glowing skin

Keep doing this exercise regularly. It will strengthen the cheek muscles and prevent them from looking hollow. You will notice lifted and plump cheeks after this exercise.

3. Lift Your Eyebrows

You will need to do this exercise at least 10 times a day regularly. Wrinkles first appear on the forehead so this facial exercise is useful to stay away from wrinkles and to tone muscles.

4. Fish face exercise for glowing skin

To get effective results you should do this exercise at least 5 times a day. You may find this exercise hard at first but it will be comfortable as you will do it regularly.  This is one of the best facial exercises for glowing skin.

5. Stretching the eyelids

This exercise can be very helpful since our eyelids tend to droop with age, stretching will help keep them firm. You should do this exercise 5 times a day.

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6. Whistle with lips

This exercise helps to get rid of the flaky jawline and gives good results by strengthening the area under the skin.

7. Press your cheeks to exercise for glowing skin

This is one of the best facial exercises. You will feel the tension inside your mouth while pressing your cheeks with a thumb. But it will not do any harm to your cheek. It will help to make it glow. Repeat this exercise 5 times a day for effective results.

8. Wide smile

Do this exercise 10 times a day. It will help to make the cheekbone strong and it will remove access fat from the cheeks. Your cheeks will glow after performing this exercise for a couple of weeks.


All the above-mentioned exercises for glowing skin will help to achieve a good facial structure. You need to perform these exercises to get a glow on your face. Your face will feel tired at first. That is exactly what happens with the body after exercise in the gym. But after a couple of days, it will feel easier.


1. What is facial exercise?

Facial exercise is a type of exercise that helps to strengthen and tone facial muscles. It can help to reduce wrinkles, improve overall skin tone, and even out texture.

2. What are the benefits of facial exercise?

The benefits of facial exercise include improved muscle tone, increased blood circulation, better skin elasticity, and a more youthful appearance. It can also help to reduce wrinkles, sagging skin, and double chins.

3. How often should I do facial exercises?

Facial exercises should be done three to four times a week for the best results.

4. How long should each facial exercise session be?

Each facial exercise session should last between 10 and 15 minutes.

5. Are there any risks associated with facial exercises?

Facial exercises are generally safe and do not require any special equipment. However, it is important to exercise caution when performing facial exercises and to follow the instructions of your healthcare provider.

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(Reviewed by Dr. Samiksha Rane)

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