K4 Fashion

Hairstyling Bring A Little Charm To Your Life By These Hairstyles 

Image Credit: EdwardDerule from Getty Images Pro

A woman’s hair is the first part of her beauty. It enhances his personality. It is an important part of your look and sets the tone for your entire look. We are not saying that your hairstyle makes you beautiful, but it definitely adds to your natural beauty. A bad hair day is just a bad day.

Imagine, you are dressed to impress someone, but your hair does not match your clothes, it can ruin your whole look. With a good hair-do, you will feel in control of yourself and eventually feel confident. Sometimes a simple change of hair or a haircut can change your luck. Don’t you believe it?

We have collected the most vivid examples from mythology to modernity. Keep scrolling to see some cute and simple ways to take your hairstyling game to the next level.

Power Of Hair And How Hairstyles Change Lives

Read More: Summer Hairstyles: It’s Too Hot To Handle

The Power Of Hair, Or How To Get A Personal Constellation

The constellation of Veronica’s Hair is known to anyone not familiar with astronomy. And why everything? As legend has it, Berenika (Veronica), being the wife of the Egyptian king Ptolemy III Everghet, sacrificed her hair for the sake of victory of her royal wife in the war with the ubiquitous Syrians. This action took place in the III century BC. Berenika cut off her braids and left them in the temple of Aphrodite, and the next day astronomers saw a new constellation in the sky. We do not know how reliable this story is, but we admit that there is a share of truth in it.

Conclusion: Do not be afraid to sacrifice!

The Power Of Hair: The History Of Betrayal

We are talking about the great hero of Israel, Samson or, as the Israelis called him, Shamshon. The birth of the future savior of the Jews was warned in advance in exchange for an oath never to cut Samson’s hair, in which a great power would be kept. The boy did grow up to be unusually strong, which was immediately the subject of a rumor in the land of the Jews. He would rip the lion’s jaws off, then kill the Philistines. In general, he committed all sorts of heroism and other hooliganism here and there. And to be our Samson the happiest man in the world, if not for his known weakness to women and guilt. Having once met the Philistine Dalila, an insidious and sophisticated person, Samson lost his head. And the latter, having learned his secret about the power in his hair, quickly reported it to her “fellow countrymen”. Having drunk the lover with wine, Dalila cut him off, depriving him of his legendary power. And the enemies imprisoned the weakened hero and pierced his eyes. However, they forgot to take into account that the hair would grow, and then they paid for it.

Conclusion: Choose a hairdresser carefully.

Hair Power: Sisters Of Sutherland

Perhaps the most famous family, famous for its long and thick hair. The total length of the hair of the seven sisters was more than eleven meters! In the 19th century, the enterprising sisters were able to make a fortune by showing their hair in the circus and giving advice on how to care for less gifted girls. And then, having invented their own hair tonic, they broke the record for popularity, surpassing Charlie Chaplin himself!

Conclusion: your hair is your wealth.

Read More: Messy Bun Hairstyles for Medium & Long Hair

Hair Power: Marie-Antoinette

The queen of France had the most sophisticated hair of all time. Sometimes the construction on the head reached a meter in height! That only wasn’t used to create a royal hairstyle: fat, feathers, ribbons, metal nets! By the way, the latter protected the royal head from the raid of mice, which lived very comfortably in this “hairy” house.

Conclusion: Do not forget about hygiene.

Hair Power: Marilyn Monroe

I don’t think you’d be surprised to find out that the star blonde wasn’t natural. Dreaming of an actress’s career, Marilyn beat the thresholds of the studios, and she was told that her appearance is too simple and invisible. Changing the color of her hair, the future style icon has made a real revolution in her career and life.

Conclusion: Do not be afraid to change the image.

Hair Power: Natalie Westling

No one would have recognized the model in a girl with an inconspicuous appearance if it wasn’t for her passion for experimentation. Having painted her rustic mop in red, Natalie showed up for an audition. The fiery hair of the “mermaid” attracted the attention of many agencies and became the hallmark of the young lady.

Conclusion: Say yes to the experiments!

Hair Power: The Harlem Family

Sometimes it is enough to publish photos on a famous social network to become famous all over the world. That’s what Benny Harlem did when he posted a photo with his daughter on Instagram. Photos with just crazy hairstyles flew all over the Internet! Insanely thick hair, funny styling – what can be better? But many girls would run to straighten their curly hair, afraid not to meet modern standards!

Conclusion: Do not forget about individuality.

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