K4 Fashion

Nuts To Eat For Weight Loss

Weigh affects your overall personality. Also it is better to keep your weight maintained as per BMI. Too much of anything is not good, the same goes for weight. Too much weight is surely not a good thing to have. More weight comes with more illness and disease. So, it is advisable to keep your weight maintained. And if you put on some weight then you should start exercising and eating healthy food to keep yourself well.

Weight losing journey can be boring and demotivating because you were eating too much and now suddenly you have to eat less. Your mind and body will take time to cope with it but if you will do the same for some days then it will be a habit and you will find yourself more healthy and active than before.

Causes of weight gain

1. Junk Foods

Everyone in this era likes to eat junk food from famous brands. Junk foods have additives in them so once you eat that then your body wants more and you will keep eating on and on. Also, it tastes so good that you will deny eating other healthy things because it is not as tasty as junk foods.

2. Food Addiction

Food addiction comes from sugar-sweetened, high-fat junk foods.it stimulates the reward centers in the brain and you will crave to eat that again and again which will eventually lead you to obesity.

3. Genetics

It is not always junk food that will make you fat sometimes it is because of your genetics. It can be in genes of parents and their child will gain more weight.

A healthy diet doesn’t mean that you only have to eat vegetables all the time. You make your weight loss journey interesting and delicious with nuts. There are many nuts that you can eat to lose weight and you will also like the taste of it.

Nuts You Should Eat For Weight Loss

Here are some delicious nuts which will help you to lose weight.

1. Brazil Nuts

2. Walnuts

3. Almonds

4. Pistachios

5. Peanuts

6. Cashews

7. Hazelnuts

8. Macadamia Nuts

9. Pecans

More health benefits of eating nuts

Nuts are one of the healthiest snacks you can eat. They are delicious to eat and extremely helpful for weight loss. But it doesn’t mean that you can eat nuts all the time. Nuts contain a high amount of calories. So, you should only consume quantity per day as mentioned above.

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