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How To Take Care of Your Hair At Night While Sleeping

We all know that only in movies actresses wake up with good looking, well-set hair. In reality, you eventually find your head on a pillow full of your hair. It happens with almost everyone. You can surely minimize the hair fall during the night. It is possible that you think that you sleep on your back with well-managed hair and still when you wake up, your hair is all frizzy. You could be tossing and turning and unintentionally pulling or creating friction. These night habits make your hair weak.

There are many ways to avoid hair damage and hair fall during your sleep. You need to protect your hair while you sleep. It is possible that you have to change your bedtime routine. We do many things at night with our hair without knowing consequences and those bad hair habits like going to bed with elastic in your hair, are part of your bedtime routine. You need to change certain things you do with your hair before sleeping. And that way you will keep your natural hair for a long time. These are all simple yet effective ways to protect your hair during sleep.

1. Dry your hair before sleep

Many people have the habit of taking a shower at night. It is fine to bath at night, but it is not okay if you go to bed directly with wet hair after taking a shower. Your hair is in the weakest form when it is wet. And because of these, chances are you will lose your hair on pillow till morning. You surely do not want that, so take care of your wet hair before going to bed. Always dry your hair before sleeping. You can also use microfiber hair towels to dry your hair faster without hair dryers. You will notice that your hair will be less frizzy when you woke up.

2. Do not keep elastic overnight

Keeping hair at a place during the night can be real trouble for some people. Many of them use an elastic rubber band to pull their hair up and have hassle-free sleep at night. But it is also as damaging as anything else. Because rubberband in your hair stretches your hair for 7-8 hours, that makes the root of hair very weak and your hair starts falling when you take out rubber band. You need to quit the habit of sleeping with a rubber band in your hair. If you find it challenging to quit, you can make sure that you are using very loose elastic to hold your strands. You can also use a soft scrunchie in your hair.

3. Sleep on a silk pillow

Hair fall problem at night may be happening because your pillow is too hard and harsh for your hair. Or maybe you have a habit of not sleeping on a pillow at all. You need to change your pillow to protect your strands. A hard pillow increases the breakage of your hair. You need something smooth and soft under your head while sleeping. Silk pillows are a great option. It will reduce damage in your hair at night. Silk pillow will also provide your hair good message. Also, your quantity of sleep will increase with it.

4. Oil your hair before bed

Let’s assume that you are not sleeping with wet hair, but still, if you sleep with dry strands without any product in it, then there are still chances that your hair will fall during sleep. Dryness in hair can create friction. The best and simple solution to this dry hair is to oil your hair. You do not need to add anything else in your hair. Oiling your hair before bed helps to make your hair healthy also it helps to relieve stress. Your quality of sleep will also increase after oiling your hair.

5. Brush your hair

It is pretty clear that if you go to bed with messy hair, your hair will fall at night. Do not go to bed with tangles in your hair. Tossing at turning in sleep will make the situation even worse. Of course, you can not stop rolling in sleep, but you can make sure not to sleep with messy and rough hair. It is a good habit to brush your hair before going to sleep. You should brush your hair at night regardless of your hair is dry or wet. Brushing will remove frizz and tangles from strands. Always use a wide-tooth comb or wet brush before going to sleep.

6. Use a silk scarf

Keeping your hair off from your face while sleeping can be an irritating task. You can always use loose rubber bends, but if it still is not working, then you can use a satin or silk scarf to keep your hair off your face. Any other clothing material can cause damage to your hair so always use a silk scarf or a silk cloth. You need to wrap your hair in a silk scarf. It is like you are sleeping on a silk pillow, and it will also keep your hair back. It will keep your natural hair for a long time

7. Do not sleep with dirty hair

Dirt and other impurities from the environment stuck on your hair when you are out for the work or your school. As we know there is so much pollution outside and when we go out that pollution damage our hair. If you sleep with those dirty hair at night then in the morning you will find yourself with greasy and messy hair. So it is batter to take care of your hair before going to bed. Sleeping with dirty hair can lead your hair to problems like dandruff and hair fall. So it is advisable to wash your hair to remove dirt from your hair.

Haircare does not stop when you sleep. It is necessary to protect your hair while you sleep. You can save your strands from hair fall during the night with just little effort. Above mentioned bedtime habits will keep your hair healthy for a long time.

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(Reviewed by Dr. Samiksha Rane)

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