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Simple Yoga Asanas To Reduce Belly Fat At Home

There are so many of us who cry for all the belly fat we gain while eating our favourite junk food but end up doing nothing to lose it. Moreover, it’s not just our unhealthy eating habits but many other aspects of life contribute to the belly fat we have. A disturbed body cycle, lack of exercise and increased stress and anxiety levels are amongst the other reasons for belly fats.

In this time of quarantine when all you have been doing is sit at home, it becomes even more necessary for you to take care of your health especially during a global pandemic. You can also use this time to lose all the belly fat that you have gained over the years. A healthy diet and an effective fitness regime is the only thing that can help you do it.

Yoga has proved to be the best practice for building body strength, maintain tranquility of mind and keep the mind and body in sync with each other. Losing belly fat is also one of the good things that Yoga does to our bodies. So, here are some Yoga Asanas to help you lose your belly fat in this quarantine.

Simple Yoga Asanas To Reduce Belly Fat

1. Suryanamaskar ( Sun Salutation)

There are 12 different poses that together form Suryanamaskar aka Sun Salutation as shown in the video. Once you’re done with the warm up pose known as Taadasana, you can start your Yoga regime with Suryanamaskar as it makes for the best cardiovascular workout. It helps in attracting positive energy from the early rays of sunshine and hence should be done early in the morning.

2. Padahastana (Standing forward bend)

Padahastana (Standing forward bend) Yoga Asanas To Reduce Belly Fat
Image Source: Yogapedia

Padahastana aka Standing forward bend is a variation of Suryanamaskar. While doing Padahastana, there comes a point in which the head of the person reaches a lower position than his heart. This leads to a sudden blood flow rush towards the head reviving the brain cells. It gives a sense of calm and composure to the mind and body. It gives a proper stretch to the abdominal region making it tender and solves abdominal issues.

3. Paschimottanasana (Seated forward bend)

Image Source: Belle Roberts

Paschimottanasana is a pose that involves forward bending. This pose works to dissolve belly fat by applying pressure to the abdominal region. It also helps in stretching hands, hips and thighs. It also works wonders for the digestive system.

4. Pavanamuktasana (Wind Relieving Pose)

Image Source: Puja Sudhakar
Image Source: Puja Sudhakar

Pavanmuktasana aka Wind Relieving Pose is another great Yoga posture to reduce fat. While doing this asana, the knees apply pressure on the abdominal region, holding which helps in dissolving belly fat. It is also very helpful for digestive problems like constipation and indigestion.

5. Uttanpadasana (Raised leg pose)

Image Source: The Yogic Bliss

Uttanpadasana aka Raised foot pose is one of the most effective Yoga poses. It is highly efficient in dissolving fats around the abdomen and also around the thighs and hips. Holding the pose for sometime also helps in strengthening the abdominal and back muscles. It also solves digestive as well as gastric issues.

6. Bhujangasana (Cobra pose)

Image Source: Yoga Alignment

Bhujangasana aka Cobra pose helps in stretching the whole upper body right from the chest to the belly and hips. It also strengthens the back muscles and relieves back pain. It doesn’t just improve the flexibility of the body but also reduces stress and fatigue.

7. Dhanurasana (Bow Pose)

Image Source: Yoga Julz

Dhanurasana aka the bow pose is one such asana that is most effective in weight loss. The whole body gets a fine stretch in this asana giving extra fats a tough time. It strengthens all the muscles of the body and helps in overcoming obesity and problems related to Gastrointestinal tract. It also increases flexibility in the most efficient way.

8. Shavasana (Corpse Pose)

Image Source: Jen Needs Yoga

Shavasana aka Corpse pose marks the end of your Yoga regime. Shavasana is basically designed to provide you the necessary relaxation after the hectic Yoga session. It helps the body sink in the revived blood flow and stretched muscles. It helps in repairing the tissues and overcomes stress and strain caused by the rigorous workout.  It brings the body to a state of meditation and calms the mind and muscles. It helps in attaining the proper sync between the body and the mind.

So, here were 8 Yoga poses that would help you lose your belly fat and stay fit in quarantine. Make Yoga a part of your fitness regime and see your life turn around for good. It wouldn’t just keep you physically fit but would also contribute to your healthy mental state.

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