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How to Get Rid of Large Pores Permanently

Ever gone through those cute little pores on the peel of an orange fruit? Now, imagine those pores on your face forever. Not so cute right? Large open pores on the skin are a common problem for people with oily skin types. These pores may start appearing on your skin due to anything from genetics to debilitated skin care.

Instead of spending bundles of bucks on these, why not treat them in the comfort of your home?

How to Get Rid of Large Pores

Aloe Vera

Repeat this every day until the pores shrink completely.

Apple-Cider Vinegar

Apply the same every day for quick results.


Do this every alternate day.

Argon Oil

The remedy should be repeated every night for the best results.

Jojoba Oil

Repeat the above a few times a week.

This video may also help you to get rid of large pores.

And be sure to follow us on Pinterest for more ideas!

Homemade Facial for Instant Bright & Glowing Skin


1. How do I get rid of large pores permanently?

Large pores are a common skin concern and can be caused by a variety of factors, including genetics, ageing, sun damage, and excess oil production. Fortunately, there are a few steps you can take to reduce their appearance and prevent them from becoming larger. These include cleansing your skin regularly, using oil-free skin care products, exfoliating, using a topical retinoid, and facial treatments.

2. What can I do to minimize the appearance of large pores?

Minimizing the appearance of large pores can be achieved with a few simple steps. Start by cleansing your skin regularly to remove dirt, oil, and other impurities that can clog the pores. Use oil-free skin care products and exfoliate twice a week to help reduce the buildup of dead skin cells which can also contribute to the appearance of large pores. Additionally, using a topical retinoid can help reduce the size of the pores and keep them from becoming larger.

3. Are there any treatments available to help reduce large pores?

Yes, there are a few treatments available to help reduce the appearance of large pores. These include professional facials, such as microdermabrasion, laser treatments, and chemical peels. These treatments help to exfoliate the skin, reduce oil production, and reduce inflammation, which can help reduce the appearance of large pores.

4. Are there any home remedies I can use to reduce large pores?

Yes, there are a few home remedies that can help reduce the appearance of large pores. These include using a honey and lemon juice mask, applying a mixture of oatmeal and yoghurt to the skin, or using a mixture of apple cider vinegar and water as a toner.

5. What products should I use to reduce large pores?

It is important to use products specifically designed to reduce large pores. Look for products that contain salicylic acid, glycolic acid, or retinol, as these ingredients help to reduce the appearance of large pores and keep them from becoming larger. Additionally, look for skin care products that are lightweight and oil-free, as these will help to reduce the appearance of large pores.

6. Are there any ingredients I should avoid if I have large pores?

Yes, some ingredients can worsen the appearance of large pores. These include mineral oil, petroleum, and lanolin, as these ingredients can clog the pores and cause them to appear larger. Additionally, avoid products that contain alcohol, as this can dry out the skin and make the pores appear larger.

(Reviewed by Dr. Sowmya Bathula)

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