Prom Hairstyles For Long & Short Hair!
That’s the last call he made. Only a few exams left to take, and then the long-awaited graduation ball! Surely you have already chosen a dress for this event. It’s time to think about the details of the image. If you haven’t thought of your hair yet, this article is for you. In it we have collected 10 beautiful ideas for the prom hairstyles.
Prom Hairstyles For Long & Short Hair
Bulk Braid with a Barrette
Spits are at their peak now, so if you have a light romantic dress, feel free to take this hairstyle in service. It is suitable for long or medium length hair. To make a voluminous braid you will need a comb, gum and hairspray. For more volume, you can curl your hair overnight with a curler and then comb your hair with your hands. Finally, decorate your hair with a hair clip or live flowers.
Flipped twist
An upside-down twist is a simple and elegant option. The advantage of this hairstyle is its versatility, as it fits into any dress. For example, by adding a twist with a comb and rhinestones, you will get a classic evening look that will fit under a long elegant dress in the floor. To do this hairstyle, you will need a hairbrush, a comb, a few hairpins and a hairspray.
Hair with Curls
Loose hair always looks attractive and exciting. Therefore, if you want to create a romantic and captivating look, choose a light hairstyle with freely flowing curls. To do this, first wrap your hair around it and then pick up a couple of strands at the front and stab it at the back. To create such a hairstyle, you’ll need a strip of hair and a few invisibility marks.
Hairstyle with fleece
Long hair owners may like a hairstyle with hair and a pair of braids. This is a great option in the style of retro. Best of all such hairstyle looks on girls with a bangs. This variant is perfectly combined with dresses of midi length and mini flared or A-silhouette. For such a hairstyle you will need a comb, a pair of small rubber bands, invisible and hairspray.
Hairstyle for Short Hair
You don’t have to have long hair to get your hair done at the prom. For a short haircut, there are also easy and interesting options, such as this one. To do this kind of haircuts, you’ll need a strip, hairspray, a few small rubber bands and studs. This hairstyle option will fit perfectly into any dress from flying maxi to mini length case.
Hairstyle for Shoulder Length Hair
If your hair length reaches your shoulders, you may want to wear it. It is universally combined with any outfit, and thus in it there is an actual carelessness and ease. For creation of such hairstyle you need a comb, hair pincers and hairpins. For greater reliability, spray the resulting result with lacquer.
Hair Bow
Easy and playful hairstyle “bow” will suit girls with long and medium length hair. This variant will be an ideal ally of the dress with the current fashion in the style of new look, as the bow is an integral part of this trendy direction. For this hairstyle you will need only an elastic band and a pair of invisible ones. You can twist the ends of your hair with the help of forceps and fix the result with lacquer
Hair with a Rubber Bezel
This hairstyle resembles Greek hair with a rubber bandage, but in this version the hair is tucked under the bandage all over the head, not just at the back. This hairstyle is also versatile and can be combined with dresses in almost any style. To create it, you will need a bezel, a comb and a few pins. Hair can be decorated with a hairpin or fresh flowers. To keep it longer, fix the result with hairspray.
Fish Tail with a Flower
Another variant of hair with weave is a fish tail with a flower formed of hair. The braid is woven on one side, then collected in the tail with the rest of the hair, and from the tip of the braid form a flower. This hairstyle is done quickly and easily, and looks stylish and unusual. It is better to wrap the ends of the hair with a flake and spray it with varnish. For this kind of hairdo you will need a comb, floss, pair of rubber bands, invisible hairspray and hairspray.
Twist with a Scythe
An interesting variation on the braids would be a similar twist. To create it, all the hair is combed on one side and weave like a normal French braid on the growth of hair. The end is fixed by an elastic band and is stacked on a spiral behind an ear. The rest of the tip is hidden under the hair and fixed with studs. It turns out an elegant and feminine variant of the hairstyle. It just needs a comb, an elastic band and a few pins.
Hope you like these prom hairstyles. Please keep visiting K4 Fashion for trending outfits and more! We would love to hear your thoughts in the comment section below. And be sure to follow on Pinterest for more ideas!
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