K4 Fashion

Golden Tips And Advice Before Buying A Men’s Suits

Image Credit:The Odd Fray From The Odd Fray

The expression “by needle” came to us from the time when wardrobe items were sewn by hand and individually. This approach guaranteed maximum comfort and a great fit. Nowadays, not everyone has access to tailor’s workshop services, and they are used in exceptional cases. However, knowledge of some rules and tricks will help you to find the ideal thing in shape. Speaking of the perfect suit, some might assume that as long as you can remove the buttons and pull it on comfortably, it’s all good. You certainly don’t want your suit to be too tight, it will make you unable to move around freely. On the other hand, oversize will make you baggy and unattractive.

Let’s talk today about men’s suits – a set that should be in every man’s wardrobe, also how it should sit on the shoulders of men. This article will help you to learn the basics of choosing a suit. Since there are different types of suits available, it is essential to look at the aspect of each fit.

What Makes A Great Suit? Let’s Find Out

Read More: Do’s and Don’ts of Wearing a Suit (Men)

Fitting In The Shoulders

A bad fit in the shoulders is one of the most difficult and expensive tasks when you look at a tailor. If the other parts of the suit can be easily sewn/disassembled, then here, as they say, you will have to “fool yourself”. Therefore, we are looking for a jacket with a perfect fit on the shoulders, without or with a minimum amount of foam in the shoulder pads. Put your hands down: the fabric in the sleeves should not wrinkle.

Jacket Length

The length of the product is selected individually depending on the growth of its future owner. Put your hands down. The ideal is the model that reaches the base of the thumb.

General Landing

Zip up your jacket. Move your hands forward, stretch out your arms, and spread them around. Doesn’t press? Excellent! Now we approach the mirror. Make sure that there are no wrinkles or wrinkles in the area of the clasp line. Let’s use the “fist rule”. Squeeze your hand into your fist and stick it right under the button line. If your hand fits comfortably and feels comfortable, you have found the right model.

Sleeve Length

As a general rule, the sleeve should completely cover the arm from shoulder to wrist, but be 1.5-2 centimeters shorter than the shirt sleeve.


Pay attention to the waist landing. It is on her pants and should sit, not on her hips. When it comes to the classic men’s suit, the belt is just an accessory. Therefore, do not take big trousers, hoping for them. The distance of two fingers from the waist to the waist – is the most ideal. Otherwise, untidy folds and deformations will appear in the waist area.

Sit down on a squat. Yes, in this position you should feel comfortable.

The ideal length of the pant is the one that ends just above the heel of your shoes, with a single fold at the front.

Read More: Do’s and Dont’s of Wearing a Suit – Men’s Fashion


And before you find a suit that matches all the parameters above, you need to decide on the color. The decision will be made in accordance with fashion science: according to the color type of appearance.

In total – 4 main groups


Dark hair, pale/blue skin, brown, nutty, or green eyes.

Antonio Banderas

Its palette: Dark cold shades, dark blue, cold brown. Contrasting combinations in the image.



Blond or golden hair, ivory skin, light eyes.

Owen Wilson

Its palette: Beige, olive, caramel, salmon, dark green, soft brown, and cream tones.



Blond, brown hair. Eyes with a gray background.

Brad Pitt

Its palette: Calm blue and burgundy tones, blue, all shades of grey.


Brunette, brown or red hair. Nut, brown, greenish brownish, darker eyes.

Ryan Gosling

It”s palette: The whole spectrum of brown shades, mustard, copper shades, dark burgundy, and brick tones.

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