Women are known to be a keeper, they take of every thing before hand, that is why people call them good in pre-planning. But sometimes they are the one’s who call them stupid for carrying a handbag with them. Handbag is composed of two words that is hand + bag, that means bag that can be carried in a hand only.
It is not only an accessory, but it plays really essential role in life of women. It is considered as a great fashion statement. But it has uses like carrying some personalized items that are really important like comb, medicines, cosmetics, wallets, mobiles, sanitary products and many other items too. Few important conditions to look at before buying a handbag is its durability, material, zip quality and looks too. There are few brands great for handbags, let us get to know them.
Top Handbag Brands in India
1. Caprese
It is a brand division that is launched by VIP bags presents great bags ranges. They are known for a great range of the stylish, attractive and colorful bags. They have a fine design of zip works and good material is used to make it. It is one of the famous luxury bags, known for matching with the cloths too.
The range of handbags starts from two thousand rupees only.
It is available in the nearby shops for handbags or shoppers stop too. There are stores that sell Caprese exclusively for people. The online availability of caprese is that it is available on amazon.com, myntra.com and shopperstop.com too. You can contact the official site that is caprese.com
2. Baggit
It is company that was found by an Indian woman named Nina Lekhi. This brand is known to value money. They are use for making great designs for bags at affordable price. They use small things like leather faux, thread or ribbon to make bag look cute. The have vibrant color choices and they really goes with the spring summer dresses.
The range of these handbags starts from nine hundred rupees only.
It is available in stores where you want to buy handbags from. Online shop where the bags from Baggit is ajio, amazon, flipkart and myntra too. You can ciontat thee official site too that is baggit.com.
3. Lavie
Lavie is known for the vibrant color choices but it is known to with non-monotonous colours. They say that bags from it has great space quality and a range of designs. Like they have great sling bags to count for. The bags from Lavie are a great option if you want to mark a new style quotient for new time.
Range for the handbags from Lavie has a starting price of one thousand rupees only.
You can buy Lavie bags from the offline exclusive shops. But if you want to shop online then you can communicate to the website that lavieworld.com. They are also available at amazon, flipkart and myntra.
4. Steve Madden
The famous company known for making great shoes out from leather. They are known for the great collection of designs the zips they use. This brand is known for its uniqueness, they have whatever they make. They are also known for the durability they have but you must take in care that do not use them in water. As handbags made from leather can be damaged.
Range for these handbags starts from one thousand five hundred rupees only.
You can buy the handbags from Steve Madden offline from the stores near you. But if you are really interested in online shopping then, you can buy exclusive handbags from official website that is stevemadden.in and it is available on amazon, flipkart and myntra too.
5. Louis Vuitton
Louis Vuitton is a famous brand that has a short name as LV, they are known to have elegant designs ever. They are known to satisfy customers need for a great handbag not only this the name of this brand does wonders too. They have best range of bags with beautiful and matching designs. You can use those handbags from Louis Vuitton in some great gathering. Handbag from LV can really lift up your accessory wardrobe for a betterment sake.
Ranges of the bags from Lois Vuitton is really high that is starting from eighty-five thousand rupees only.
You can get hand bags from Louis Vuitton showrooms that are quite less here.
6. Chanel
It is one of the famous brand Indian women prefer to buy. It is said to have good quality of bags, beautiful designs. They have great color bags for which girls go mad. But bets part of buying bags from chanel is that they have a special test to check durability of handbags they products.
Range for these bags are very expensive that starts from one lakh rupees.
You can buy these bags from exclusive stores of channel that is luxepolis.com
7. Gucci
They are known to have great designs and vibrant colours. They are known for the innovation in the products they present. The handbags from them are known to be having timeless beauty.
The ranges for these bags are really high if you like to keep it in the wardrobe you would have to buy from the start range of one lakh twenty thousand rupees only.
The showrooms of Gucci stores are really less but you can find one in metro cities likes Mumbai, Delhi, Bangalore, and Kolkata. You can buy online bag from Gucci from luxurybargain.com
8. The House of Tara
When you want to buy a bag that is not cliché but different from all others. Then tis is the brand you must contact too. They are quite famous for making bags that are beautiful presents cultural, traditional things in hand with trends. Girls find this company quite cool and trendy to buy.
The ranges presented by the house of Tara is quite affordable and it is worth buying that is eight hundred fifty rupees.
The bags from house of Tara is available online on its exclusive stores that is houseoftara.co.in. You can contact shopper sites like amazon.com, flipkart.com, myntra.com and paytmmall.com too.
9. Da Milano
Bags with designs that are simple looking presents all total designs of today’s era. The bags from them are really elegant with beautiful colors. This company is another name for sophisticated handbags, they have fine material works.
The ranges for the bags from Da Milano starts from six thousand nine hundred ninety nine only.
They have offline showrooms too. But you can buy handbags from amazon or myntra in case you are interested in buying online. You can contact damilano.com too.