People all over the world can suffer from dry, rough skin. Some even suffer from bad skin discoloration. To fix all of these problems you might face, a method called “body polishing” is widely used among beauty enthusiasts. If you are one of those people who like to take care of their body and skin as much as their face, they this article might be the perfect fit for you.
You might be familiar with exfoliating, which is a more renowned term used in cosmetology but the term body polishing is the new trend everyone wants to try. The term body polishing describes the process where you are to use an abrasive cream to scrub the dead skin cells off of your precious body and make it smoother and softer.
History of Body Polishing
Body polishing or Exfoliating has been a trend going around for ages. The Ancient Egyptians were said to follow a routine of body polishing to maintain healthy and glowing skin. Although the application of body polishing was done with wine and an additive of tartaric acid, however as the world has developed immensely from ancient times, so has our knowledge and science.
Natural ingredients are given more praise nowadays instead of chemical ones as the chemicals can cause more harm than good. Natural ingredients are nicer and gentler on skin and are less likely to cause any kind of harmful side effects.
If you are curious about the advantages of doing a body polish, here are some positives for you:
- Removes dry skin- Body Polishing gets rid of dead skin cells on your body and lets your dermal layer breathe a little easier without all the dead skin overlapping it.
- Stimulates cell growth- Body polishing is a huge promoter of skin cell growth and helps your body grow the skin cell it needs to protect itself from foreign entities.
- Reduces Discoloration- One of the blessing of body polishing is its ability to get rid of the mis-matched discoloration on your skin. It helps promote healthy natural looking skin.
- Hydration and Nourishment- Removing dead skin cells can not only clean your skin, but also make it hydrated and nourishes it to become softer.
- Blood Circulation- Due to all the scrubbing and exfoliating during body polishing, your blood vessels get an extra rub and boost. This helps improve your blood circulation and makes your healthier.
- Sun Damage- Exfoliation can fix a certain level of sun damage done to skin. But it is also important to protect your skin from harmful rays of sun using a sunscreen as well.
But you must also be aware of some points when body polishing. The things to avoid are:
- Avoid Your Face- Your face has a completely different skin that the rest of your body. It is very delicate and if you treat it with the same scrubbing technique used on your body, it might cause your face to have more wear and tear and cause pre mature aging of skin.
- Maintain proper gaps between each session- You should let your skin heal for a week before using another body polishing session. Body polishing strips the dead skin from your dermal layer. So the layer after that is quite exposed and soft. More abrasive scrubbing can hurt you inflamed skin and cause skin problems.
- Avoid the Sun- As you know scrubbing can strip the dead dermal layer off of your skin and this exposure of delicate skin can be easier for the harmful sunrays to get into the epidermal layers. So applying a thick amount of sunscreen can help you fight the sunrays.
- Health Issues- People suffering from cancer or other skin related issues should stay clear from this body polishing. Excessive wear, tear and damage can cause skin concerns for any individual suffering from skin problems.
- Skin Type- If you are not aware of your own body skin type, then a thorough consultation with your skin doctor might help your with finding out your skin type.
- Allergies from any product- When you are body polishing, you are using many ingredients. Although most of them are natural but sometimes people are allergic to some products. So be aware of what you use on your body and if you develop any allergy like symptoms consult your doctor immediately.
You have to make sure you have the right ingredients for the scrubbing process of body polishing. The items listed below can be used to exfoliate dead skin from your body:
- Pumice Stone
- Loofah
- Body Polishing Brush
- Scrubber
- Towel for Scrubbing
Coffee has a lot of usefulness when it comes to skin care. It is found in many skin related product and is one of the highly sought after ingredient when talking about exfoliation of skin. But what makes Coffee so beneficial towards skin needs?
Coffee is rich in anti-oxidants, has anti-aging properties and an abundance of vitamin B3 which fight skin cancer. Coffee is said to be effective against dark circles, can reduce inflammation of skin, it is highly effective as an acne treatment agent. Coffee can help soothe down sun burned skin and reduce redness. If you are suffering from cellulite accumulation on certain areas of your body, coffee grounds can help tone it down a notch to give you a less bumpy skin. If you like drinking coffee but are too afraid to frequent it due to the high levels of caffeine. You can always opt for decaf coffee which removes about 98% of the caffeine present in coffee beans but still retains the good anti-oxidant properties. But make sure to not add excessive amounts of sugar and milk in your coffee and go for the black coffee for better health results.
1. Coffee Scrub for Body Polish-
Coffee and Brown Sugar–
- Half cup of coffee grounds
- 1/4th cup of brown sugar
- 1/4th cup of coconut oil
- Mix all the dry ingredients together and slowly pour the coconut oil while mixing and store in an airtight glass container.
- Apply by spreading the scrub evenly onto your skin and scrubbing the dead skin using the corrosive coffee.
- Store the leftover coffee scrub inside the fridge and try to use the remaining scrub within two weeks of making it.
- Wash your body off with lukewarm water.
- Pat dry your skin with a towel and apply a layer of moisturizer immediately after body polishing.
- Try this once or twice a month for good results.
2. Coffee and Honey-
- Two tablespoons of coffee grounds
- Three tablespoons of yogurt
- One tablespoon of honey
- Two tablespoons of cocoa powder
- Mix all the ingredients together in a glass bowl.
- Spread the mixture evenly on your body, legs, hands included.
- Massage gently for 15 minutes with a pumice stone.
- Let the mixture set into your skin for a bit.
- Wash it off with cold water.
- Pat dry your skin with a towel and apply a layer of moisturizer immediately after body polishing
- Try this once or twice a month for good results.
3. Coffee and Banana-
- 1/4th cup coffee grounds
- 1/4th cup olive oil
- Half of a ripe banana
- Half cup of kosher salt
- Mash the banana into a thick paste and mix all the ingredients into it.
- Blend everything finely in a blender.
- Apply all over your body including your legs and feet.
- Massage gently for about fifteen minutes with a loofah or a pumice stone.
- Leave it on for ten minutes and then wash with lukewarm water.
- Pat dry your skin with a towel and apply a layer of moisturizer immediately after body polishing.
- Try this method once a week for incredibly soft and smooth skin.
Although this article is centered towards the use of coffee in body polishing, but coffee might not be available in your home or some of you even might be allergic to coffee beans. So here is an alternative recipe for you to try body polishing at home yourself:-
4. Rose Body Scrub-
- Half a cup of rose petals (dried)
- One cup of sugar
- 2/3rd cup of olive oil
- One tablespoon of shea butter
- Two to Three drops of essential oil
- Get a big glass bowl to mix the ingredients in.
- Blend all the ingredients listed above well.
- Apply it evenly on to your body, scrub with a loofah or pumice stone and massage well, and rinse in lukewarm water.
- Pat dry your skin with a towel and apply a layer of moisturizer immediately after body polishing.
- You can try this method once a week for good results on your skin.
5. Strawberry Scrub-
- 1 cup of sugar
- Two to Three strawberries (freshly crushed)
- Two tablespoons of shea butter
- Two to Four drops of your favorite scented essential oil
- Get a big glass bowl to mix the ingredients in.
- Blend all the ingredients listed above well.
- Apply it evenly on to your body, scrub with a loofah or pumice stone and massage well, and rinse in lukewarm water.
- Pat dry your skin with a towel and apply a layer of moisturizer immediately after body polishing.
- You can try this method once a week for good results on your skin.
Your skin needs proper care to look as beautiful as it can. So when you take care of your skin from the outside and have proper wholesome meals, then that care goes a long way to work making in your brain as well. It makes you feel positive and promotes a healthier and positive lifestyle. Just make sure to consult with your skin doctor for any sort of complications and if you have any allergies you might want to check up on them before using any of these recipes. Just do not forget to moisturize after everybody polishing treatment and drink lots of water to stay hydrated and refreshed.