In Pinterest or google when we search for flawless even skin, the most common solution we come across is a proper skin care routine but some of us don’t like using too many drugstore skin products as it might damage our skin too much or it’s just too expensive to buy all the products required for a skin care routine. Don’t worry guys, this skin care routine uses natural ingredients found in your household only. Having a skin care routine is significant because it is really important to clean our facial skin and remove dirt or the dead skin cells from our skin and also nourish our skin.
So that we don’t face the problems of pimples, bad breakouts due to dry skin , dark spots and many more. So this skin care routine is a special as well as an effective routine which gives you a flawless even skin.
In a skin care routine, there are two different routines you have to follow that is one at night and one in morning. The night care skin routine and the day care skin routine differs only slightly and not much but don’t miss out any steps in the routine and some steps do it only for the requested number of times. This will keep your skin smooth and hydrated as well.
Daytime Natural Skin Care Routine
This is the routine that has to be done as soon as you wake up in the morning. The morning skin care routine helps in keeping your rejuvenated and replenished as well. It will also clean your skin from impurities and also the excess oils found on the skin.
1. Drinking Copper Vessel Water
in the early morning as soon as we wake up is really good for your health as well as your skin. It is really easy and simple to make copper water. You just have to store normal drinking water in a copper vessel for a whole night and cover it with a lid before you go to sleep. After waking up and brushing your teeth, you can drink the copper vessel water. This replenishes your skin as it helps in the production of new cell on your skin. This also helps in reducing acne and pimples. Do it every morning for the best results.
2. Natural Gram Flour and Turmeric Face Wash
Ingredients for the natural face wash- Two tablespoon gram flour and two to three pinches of turmeric powder.
Steps to make the DIY Face Wash:
- First begin by adding two tablespoons of gram flour and two or three pinches of turmeric powder and mix them well together. You can store it in your bathroom and use it whenever you want.
- While using this diy face wash, take some of the diy face wash powder you made in your hand and mix it with a little water and then you can apply it onto your face. Then massage as you apply for a few minutes using your fingers in circular motion.
- After this, you can dry your face using a dry cotton towel gently.
Gram flour and turmeric powder is a well known natural ingredient which famous for making the skin glow and helps in getting rid of any skin problems you are facing also. Gram flour is a well known natural ingredient which helps in cleansing your skin and it rejuvenated your skin by removing all the impurities of the facial skin. It also helps in reducing acne and the pimples on your face. Turmeric Powder soothes dry skin and reduces the fine lines and also the dark spots on your skin.
3. Natural Basil Face Scrub
This natural face scrub like any other scrub has to be used only twice or thrice a week or else it might damage your skin and leave your skin very dry. So please do not use more than twice or thrice per week.
Ingredients required– Few Basil or Tulsi Leaves and one tablespoon Rice Flour
Steps to make the DIY Face Scrub:
- You can start by plucking few basil leaves and washing them thoroughly in water. After this, crush the basil leaves using a mortar and pistol and transfer it to a clean dry bowl.
- Then add one tablespoon rice flour to the crushed basil leaves in the bowl and add one spoon of water too. Ensure that you neither use too much of water making it very diluted nor use very little maker making it a very thick paste.
- After making this scrub, apply it to your face and massage for two minutes but don’t rub too hard as it might damage your facial skin. It is important to be gentle on your skin or else it might result in some bad skin breakouts.
- Then you can wash your face off with cold water and pat your skin using a dry cotton towel to dry your face.
Basil leaves reduces the pimples and aches on face and it also removes the scars and darks spots on your face. Rice Flour is natural ingredient known for its property of brightening and lightening the skin tone. It really does work a miracle on you skin and protects your skin from bad breakouts too.
4. Natural Rose Water Toner
This is really easy and simple to make and it is an important part of your skin care routine too.
Ingredients required: Three to Four Roses, One camphor and an Empty Spray Bottle
Steps to make the DIY Toner:
- First start by washing the rose in water thoroughly and then remove the petals from the stems of the rose.
- After this take a cooking vessel and place it on the stove. Then pour one cup of water into the vessel and switch on the stove. As the water starts boiling, add the rose petals to the vessels. After you are done adding the rose petals, add one camphor to the vessel and let it boil for five more minutes.
- After five minutes, switch off the stove and remove the vessel from there. After it cools, Â remove the rose petals from the water and transfer it to the empty spray bottle.
- Then spray the rose water onto your face as toner and allow it to dry. After using it, you can store it in your refrigerator and use it whenever you want. Use it only for a week and not more than that.
Rose water is a natural toner which helps in getting an even skin and getting rid of pimples and blemishes. It is also extremely useful when it comes to cleansing the skin and hydrating it. It is also a very light tone which reduces irritation on skin as well as the redness on the skin due to itchiness.
5. Natural Marigold Face Pack
Face Pack also has to be used only twice or thrice a week and not more as it might cause a dry skin as well as some bad skin breakouts too.
Ingredients Required: Four Marigold Flowers
Steps to make the DIY Face Pack:
- First begin by washing the marigolds in water completely and then remove the petals from the stems of the marigolds.
- After this, you will have to grind it in the mixer along with some generous amount of water. Although you should be careful on the amount of water you add, ensure that you add neither too much water nor too less that it is really thick.
- Then transfer the paste from the mixer to a clean bowl and start applying it on your skin and rub it on your skin gently. Again don’t be too harsh on your skin. After applying the face pack, let it dry. If it doesn’t dry within twenty minutes, you can wash your face with cold water. Use a cotton towel to dry your face by patting on your face generally and not to rub.
Marigold Flowers are really beneficial for your skin as they exfoliate your skin and brings out a certain glow on your facial skin. It reduces the dryness and also the irritation on your skin. The best property of marigold flower is its anti-aging properties which will reduce fine lines as well as any scars or dark spots on your skin.
6. Moisturising
Moisturising  is a very important step in a skin care routine as after all the other steps in our routine, it is significant to apply a moisturiser as it will keep your skin hydrated and prevent it from drying. A natural moisturiser that you can use is coconut oil. It is a really effective moisturiser as it will leave your skin smooth and soft but apply only one drop of coconut oil to your face and not more as it might result in leaving your skin too oily.
Coconut oil is a well known natural ingredient for its anti-oxidants properties which help in preventing acne and many other skin problems. It also soothes your skin when you have an irritated facial skin and it also reduces the redness on the skin.
Night Time Natural Skin Care Routine
This skin care routine is done at night before you go to sleep and also ensure that you follow this routine every day without fail as following the night skin care routine is as important as the day time skin care routine. Night time skin care routine is to remove the dirt and impurities from the skin after work as when you are out and come home, your skin faces a lot of pollution. Hence it is important to clean your skin and also remove the makeup before you go to sleep. At night, you might be really tired from work but do follow this routine without fail.
1. Makeup Removal
It is important to remove your makeup at night before you go to sleep for your skin to be healthy and clean. You can apply one drop of baby oil and gently rub on your facial skin and then you can gently wipe off the oil on your face along with makeup using a paper towel or cotton tissues.
2. Face Wash
Use the dIY face wash you made in the morning to wash your face. It is important to cleanse your face at night as it will remove all the impurities from your skin leaving it clean and fresh.
- Take one potato and wash it thoroughly. Cut the potato into half and then gently rub it on your facial skin for five minutes.
- After this wash your face with cold water and gently pat your skin with a towel.
- It will reduce pigmentations and dark spots or the scars on face.
- As you start applying it every night, you will start to see the differences in your skin eventually.
3. Face Toner
Spray the rose water toner you made  all over your face and allow it to dry for sometime. This will help in evening your skin and also removing the dirt from your skin. This will keep your skin lively and beautiful.
4. Face Moisturiser
Moisturize your skin with coconut oil at night as this will prevent your skin from drying out in the night and it will keep your skin hydrated as well.
5. Moisturize Lips
At night, you can moisturize your lips with ghee as it is a natural moisturizer that helps in making your lips pink and plump.
This is a really effective as well as beneficial skin care routine as it will help you in keeping your skin healthy and clean. This will help you in greeting a clear as well as a flawless skin and it will also protect your skin from skin problems and prevent it in the future as well. You have to follow it regularly without missing any steps to acquire the best results.
If you don’t want to damage your skin with the skin care products from stores, then you can go for this natural skin routine as it is a routine which is done completely using natural ingredients only. Do try this natural skin care routine as it works a miracle on your skin and also makes your skin glow as well as brighten.