Weddings are the only occasion when every bride gets super excited and at the same time gets conscious about her look and everything else. She gets concerned about each narrow details. We are discussing about nail art design of a bride or bridal look.
The nail art can vary as per the clothing and culture. Here we have several beautiful designs, with simple to a bold look as per your choice. These designs are unique in it self and since there are various options available, one would surely get beautiful collections out of it.
Wedding Nail Art Designs
1. Light nail paint with golden cap length
This nail art design is very beautiful and simple in look. Here, simple polish on the base is applied and then the head of it is beautifully coated with golden Polish. This is simple and crisp look for bridal modern outfit.
2. Glossy nail art
One design not enough, as we can see in the picture above. In this nail design, a light creamy polish is applied and above that glitter is spread on the top of the nail. And on the middle finger side golden cover is given to the nails. This is suitable for bridal marriage gown.
3. Chocolate nail art
This is super glossy nail art with chocolate coat. Here, on the ring finger different shapes are made with the nail polish and on the rest nails the ordinary color is applied. It is suitable for traditional bridal attire.
4. Dot point nail art design
This is a dot point nail art design. Here a different strategy is used to make this nail art design. Which is without the use of any nail polish but white narrow dots. Here on the middle finger bird like look is made and on the rest fingers only boarder base cover is given to it. It is suitable for bridal gown.
5. Three layer light nail art
In this nail art the strip like look is given to the nails. As it can be seen in the image above that the strips are of different size and different color combination. Which is why it is looking so attractive look. It is suitable for any gown on marriage.
6. Narrow curve multi layer
This is a narrow cover multi layer nail art design. The look is super glossy and attractive. Each strips are made by keeping good color combination in mind. This is suitable for traditional or modern bridal attire.
7. Light color with golden base
This nail art design is made with creamy base and with boarder golden color base and glittery dot on the middle finger. Overall there is not much effort to get this look. This is suitable for any bridal gown look.
8. Bridal nail art
This is a beautiful nail art design in this first the creamy base is applied then through white color multiple design is made and then finally a golden layer middle line break is created to give it a final touch. This is suitable for any bridal gown attire.
9. Glossy nail art
This is a super glossy nail art design. In this nail art the base of the nail is transparent polish and above that on base a dot is glued to give it a queen like look. This is suitable for any bridal attire.
10. Creamy base nail
In this nail art design the base is kept creamy color which can be similar to dress of bride. And here on the nails to give it a final touch, white dot is glued on the base part of the nails. This simple design seems so effortless yet classy, you should definitely try this . It is suitable for bridal attire.
11. Pot nail art design
This nail art design simply looks like a pot nail art design. It seems so glossy and glass like look. The print on the nail is quite hard to make so, as a substitute you can also use a nail sticker. This is suitable for white bridal gown.
12. Flower garden nail art design
This nail art design is so similar to any garden look. In this nail art entire fingers base are used, with the nails to give it a beautiful look. These are basically flower stickers. Hence, is seems typical to get this design, but it is very easy. This is suitable for any bridal attire.
13. Ordinary nail look
This nail art design is a beautiful simple look . Here the simple polish on the base is applied. It is basically a ordinary look of nail art. This is simple and easy look for bridal modern outfit.
14. Folk art nail design
This nail art design reminds of some folk images and pictures. Like made by earlier man on the walls. It is super attractive and Unique nail art design. Anyone can try to get this design by own self. This is suitable for bridal outfit.
15. Foggy nail art
This is somewhat a foggy nail art design. In this, the foggy shade with little different color is made. Here the nail art is different from any ordinary nail art design. Other than that the dot designs on the nails is giving it a final touch. It is suitable for bridal gown.
16. Galaxy nail art
This is a stunning nail art design. In this, first the base is made through peach color polish and then these shiny dots are fixed on it. This is something similar as to a galaxy view bit. This is suitable for modern gown outfit.
17. Smoothy nail art
This is very smooth creamy like nails. Here, basically two shade of nail polish is used to justify the look. The base is of light purple and a cap cover of white shade at the final touch. This is suitable for a modern bridal gown.
18. Star nail art
This is a simple and quick nail art design. In this, first the ordinary base coating is applied of polish and then starts shape are glued to it alternatively. This is easy nail art. It is suitable for creamy colored bridal gown outfit.
19. Polish wall design art nail
This is something very creative and different nail art design. In this nail length is covered with white polish and rest base with transparent polish. But on ring finger a white design is created which seems quite difficult, you will need expertise for this. Despite the fact, I really love the other nail art. You can try that one. This is suitable for pretty white bridal gown.
20. Sparkling nails
This is something very attractive and different nail art design. In this nail art nail length is covered through white polish and rest base with transparent polish. And on ring or point finger sparkling glittery spot is created which is glued. This is suitable for bridal attire.
21. Foggy queen nail
This is a gorgeous nail art design like foggy queen. In this the foggy shade with little different color is made. Here the nail art is different from any ordinary nail art design. Other than that the dot design on the nails is giving it a final touch. It is suitable for bridal gown.
22. Wild nail art
This is something like wild nail art. The look is created in such a different way which is normally not found. This is a two layer and dragon like structural look or nail art. This is suitable for different bridal look.
23. Royal stone petal
This is a royal stone petal nail art design. In this creamy polish is applied on the base and then the petal like stones are pasted with different structure but as wheat grain plan top head. This is super attractive. It is suitable for traditional or modern bridal outfit.
24. Cute nail art
This is a super cute nail art design in this nail art the base is polished as in ordinary manner and then the heart like structure is pasted on the base of the nail art. This is a simple and quick nail art. It is suitable for any traditional or modern bridal attire.
25. Hot red
This is hot red attractive nail polish. Different red shades are used here, this nail art design very beautiful and classy. The simple polish on the base is applied. It is an ordinary look of nail art but definitely gonna catch every attention. So try these shades, as this design will be fit for any modern or traditional outfit.
These nail art are all very different. Each one of them are created with a different shade, shapes and materials. Some of them are super quick, which can be done by anyone and some designs needs expertise. In this gigantic list some are totally different like queen and wild structure. So, select your design and give it a try or show to your manicurist. These nail art are suitable either for traditional or modern bridal attire. One must try these different and unique nail art designs.
30 Simple Nail Art Designs for Beginners 2020
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