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Mehndi Herbal Oil for Hair Growth

Image Credit: Manuel Tauber-Romieri from Getty Images

In this polluted environment, it is really hard to protect our healthy appearance, especially our hair and scalp. The pollution and the chemicals in the surroundings damage the scalps and hair and the result will be hair fall. People lose their hair not only because of the polluted environment but also because of the chemical shampoos and oils they use for hair treatments. After going through several treatments, sometimes people may not get the result they always expected. People tend to love their hair because they complete the entire outlook of a person. But without taking any treatments, there is a possible way to have healthy hair within a short time.

And here is a tip to make Mehndi Herbal Oil which will help you to have healthy growth after using it for a while.

Mehndi Herbal Oil

Read More: Homemade Hair Mask Recipes For Oily Scalp

Key Ingredients and their benefits:

Gooseberry powder:

Gooseberry is highly beneficial for hair growth. Vitamin C of gooseberry produces collagen protein which helps to stimulate the growth of hair in both length and volume. It serves as a natural conditioner and antioxidants to boost the hair follicles. It brings a natural shine to the hair by improving the pigmentations. It treats dandruff, premature hair greying and frizzy hair. It helps to strengthen the roots of the hair and increase the thickness.

Brahmi powder:

The alkaloids in Brahmi powder bind up the proteins in the hair shaft and produce stronger and thicker hair. It also helps to create a natural protective lawyer around the hair follicles that keeps the hair fibers healthy. It provides strength and nourishment through the scalp and stimulates the growth of the hair.

Shikakai powder:

Shikakai powder has been used to cleanse hair since ancient times in India. It helps to soothe the scalp and induces hair growth. It helps to nourish the hair follicles and add shine to the hair. It treats premature hair greying and fights against dandruff to give a healthy scalp.

Shoe flower powder:

Hibiscus or shoe flower plays a major role in hair growth. It helps to make the hair shine and smooth. It cleanses the hair and improves the blood circulation of the scalp. Vitamin C and amino acids in the hibiscus help to stimulate the growth of hair follicles by improving the blood circulation in the scalp. It also helps to reduce hair fall.

Fenugreek seeds powder:

Fenugreek seeds are rich in high protein and nicotinic acid. It helps to treat hair fall, dandruff, dryness of hair, baldness, and hair thinning. It also helps to condition the hair by bringing natural shine to it. It further helps to reduce scalp infections.

Henna powder:

Henna powder always serves as a natural dye for hair. It helps to balance the pH level of the scalp and helps to strengthen the hair follicles. It treats scalp itchiness, dandruff, split ends, and premature hair greying. It will nourish your scalp and hair by conditioning your hair strands. Henna powder helps to boost hair growth in both length and volume.

Coconut oil:

Coconut oil is highly beneficial for hair growth and will improve hair health. It serves as a moisturizer and helps to reduce hair breakages. It helps to prevent hair and scalp damage and protects the hair and scalp from pollution. It treats scalp infections like dandruff and lice infections. It stimulates hair growth by strengthening the hair roots and follicles.

How to make Mehndi Hair Oil at your home?

Take a flat base pan and pour half a cup of water into it. Boil the water and add 1 spoon of gooseberry powder. Wait until the mixture turns black and let it cool. After the mixture is cool down, add 1 spoon of brahmi powder, 1 spoon of shikakai powder, 1 spoon of shoe flower powder, 1 spoon of fenugreek seeds powder, and finally 3 spoons of henna powder in it. Blend the entire ingredients well and leave it for 24 hours. Add 2 cups of coconut oil in the mixture little by little and mix it well until it turns into a paste. Cook the pasta on low flame for 20 to 25 minutes and let it cool. Finally extract the oil from the mixture to get Mehndi hair oil.

How to use the Mehndi Hair Oil?

Apply this oil on the scalp and massage it for 10 minutes and leave it for 2 hours. And wash your hair with mild shampoo to get a better result.  You can use this oil twice a week.

This oil is easy to make and the ingredients used to make this Mehndi oil are cost-efficient. This oil will give excellent results after being used several times. This oil will help you to grow your hair longer and thicker by protecting your scalp from infections and damage. Try this oil to make your hair grow longer and thicker than others.


1. What is mehndi herbal oil?

Answer: Mehndi herbal oil is a natural oil used for hair growth and scalp health. It is made from the extracts of henna leaves, and contains an array of natural oils, minerals, and vitamins that can help nourish and promote healthy hair growth.

2. What are the benefits of mehndi herbal oil?

Answer: Mehndi herbal oil is known to be beneficial for hair growth, as it can help promote healthy scalp circulation, reduce hair loss, and strengthen hair follicles. It is also a nourishing treatment for dry, brittle, and damaged hair, and can help improve hair texture, shine, and manageability.

3. How do I use mehndi herbal oil?

Answer: The best way to use mehndi herbal oil is to massage it into your scalp and hair before bed. You can leave it on overnight, and then rinse it out in the morning. You can also use it as a hot oil treatment by heating it and then massaging it into your scalp and hair.

4. Is mehndi herbal oil safe to use?

Answer: Yes, mehndi herbal oil is considered safe to use, as it is a natural product and does not contain any harsh chemicals. It is important to do a patch test before using it, as some people may have an allergic reaction.

5. How often should I use mehndi herbal oil?

Answer: You can use mehndi herbal oil as often as you like, depending on your hair type and needs. For best results, it is recommended to use it at least twice a week.

6. Does mehndi herbal oil have any side effects?

Answer: Generally, there are no known side effects to using mehndi herbal oil. However, it is important to do a patch test before using it, as some people may have an allergic reaction to it.

7. Can I use mehndi herbal oil on color-treated hair?

Answer: Yes, mehndi herbal oil can be used on color-treated hair. However, it is important to be gentle when using it, as it may cause the color to fade faster.

8. Does mehndi herbal oil help with dandruff?

Answer: Yes, mehndi herbal oil can help with dandruff. It helps to soothe the scalp and can reduce the itching and flaking associated with dandruff.

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(Reviewed by Dr. Sarika)

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